The Leadership Pod

[001] How the Leadership Pod can Help You as an Emerging Leader

February 24, 2020 Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 1

Keeping your head down and doing a good job at work is no longer enough to get noticed and promoted. This is a roadblock that prevents many emerging leaders from climbing up and rising to the level of success they desire. 

You put in a tonne of work improving your technical skill and you probably work longer hours than others in the office, only to discover that people with less technical skill than you or less prestigious qualifications than you, get promoted instead of you!

The reality is, the world of work has changed. You need to keep on top of this shift if you want to excel in leadership. You do that by growing your visibility and influence in business.

In this episode, I discuss how the world of work has changed and what emerging leaders need to do so they can be noticed and promoted. 

I also discuss what this podcast, The Leadership Pod, is about, what topics you can look forward to in future episodes, and a unique style of episode I will bring in once a month.

You’ll also find out more about me, my background and how I help my clients now in my business, Executive Impressions. 

Listen to this episode here: 

In episode 1 of The Leadership Pod, I talk about:

  • How keeping your head down and doing a good job at work is no longer enough to get you noticed and promoted.
  • How technical skill will only get you so far in your career.
  • How this podcast will help you build your brand, increase your visibility and amplify your influence so you can unlock your leadership potential.
  • Who am I? What I do? Who I work with?
  • Success stories of my clients.
  • The theme of this podcast and what you have to look forward to in future episodes.
  • The format of this podcast and a unique episode I bring in once a month.
  • How you can avoid missing out on future episodes.

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