The Leadership Pod

[008] Q&A: How to Craft an Expert “About Section” on Your LinkedIn Profile

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 8

The About Section on your LinkedIn profile is confusing for many people. What do you write about? Should you write anything at all? This causes many to leave their About Section blank or to write something vague about who they are professionally.

My goal with this episode is to change that. I want you to have an amazing About Section on your LinkedIn profile that gives a great online first impression to anyone who reads it  and helps you get found in LinkedIn search results. 

In this episode you will learn why your About Section is so important and seven tips on what you should include in your About Section.

Specifically, you will learn:

  • Why online first impressions are so important.
  • Why optimizing your About Section is important to be included in search results.
  • Seven tips on what to put in your About Section.
  • Create a catching first paragraph.
  • Create a list of “things you should know about me”.
  • Talk about your journey.
  • Include a touch of personality.
  • Include your specialties.
  • Keep it positive.
  • Include your contact information.

Listen to this episode on Apple podcasts here [link]

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