The Leadership Pod

[032] Confidence Hacks for the Workplace

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 32

How to be more confident at work. Confidence is an illusive quality that many of us want because we feel we don’t have it. It’s a life-long journey for many professionals whether they’re a new or experienced professionals. 

Confidence in the workplace, or overcoming lack of confidence in the workplace, are critical issues for emerging leaders to fix. Not feeling confident when you need to can damage your chances at job interviews, meetings, or promotions. 

Confidence is something that we need to build and grow. It’s not something we’re born with. I’ve learned how to build and tap into my confidence when I need to, and I share my tips with you in this episode.

This episode is a combination of practical strategies you can use in the workplace to appear and feel more confident, and motivation to move your mindset away from things that can detract from your confidence. 

You will learn:

  • Why confidence is something we grow and build.
  • How to change your body language so you feel and appear more confident.
  • Why you shouldn’t compare yourself to others and how this instantly damages your confidence.
  • What I do on social media to remove things that damage my confidence.
  • How developing a learning and growth mindset helped me build my confidence and how it can help you too.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

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