The Leadership Pod

[062] Go-To Expert Series Part 3: Use LinkedIn to Become Known as a Go-To Expert

Kara Ronin Season 2 Episode 62

How can you use LinkedIn to become known as a go-to expert in your field? LinkedIn is a powerful platform where you can grow your personal brand and have more impact and influence as an emerging leader. 

I have used LinkedIn strategically since 2020 to develop my reputation as a go-to expert in the area of leadership development for emerging leaders. I’ve learned a lot of techniques about how to use LinkedIn when growing your professional reputation and I share those techniques with you in this week’s podcast and YouTube video.

If you are an emerging leader and you want to develop your reputation as a go-to expert in your field, then these resources will help you.

You will learn: 

  • Tips for writing articles on LinkedIn.
  • The importance of creating videos for LinkedIn.
  • My #1 tip which is to comment on other people’s posts.

Don’t forget to download your free gift, 21 Ideas on How to Become Known as a Go-To Expert at this link.

Send Me Your Questions

If you would like to submit your own question for a future Q&A episode, please send an email to

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Other Learning & Development Video Courses!

Get Your Leadership Evaluation Toolkit!

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Become Known as a Go-To Expert!Download 21 ideas on How to Become Known as a Go-To Expert:

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